
The perfect distraction-free text-editor. Tell your stories.

Total ratings

4.26 (Rating count: 87)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and clean interface for focused writing
  • Fast and responsive performance
  • Lightweight and useful for offline writing
  • Minimalistic design that minimizes distractions
  • Good experience for Chromebook users
  • Lack of rich text formatting capabilities
  • No Google Drive syncing or integration
  • Issues with autosaving and potential for lost work
  • No full screen mode leading to distractions
  • Limited customization options for display and text styling
Most mentioned
  • Need for Google Drive integration
  • Lack of rich text features
  • Desire for more customization options
  • Autosave functionality issues
  • Need for distraction-free writing environment
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.20
All time rating average: 4.26
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ning Cao
en good!
Jordan C.M.
en I can't really recomend this as a proper text editor as it doesn't support rich text and diesn't have nearly as many features as google docs but I can't recommend it as a lightweight text editor as the margins, font size and line spacing are all too big so the window takes up far more of your valuable screen real estate than it has to.
Rocky Kev
en It 'autosaves', but roughly. It doesn't save to the file. So If you accidentally hit the 'new page' button while typing your 500,000 word magnum opus, then your last manual save was a few days ago... then everything is gone. Everything else is great. Clean and lightweight.
Mario Burgard
en I would point out a big 5 star review, but there's one issue: Why, the hell, must there be a scrollbar on the right of my words? I really, really don't understand why. I'd pay for a tool, that is able to serve me a truly, 100 % distraction free screen. Nothing else, but my words. Fix it, charge it, I'll buy it.
Timothy J
en I had to come back to give this 5 stars. Best simple text editor for Chromebook. Wish there was more customizations for the color of the background and fonts (like a color wheel), but other than that A+.
Midhat Krilic
no Praktisk!
Michael Stephens
en No full screen mode; it's reliant on the Chromebook's full screen that, as you know, is not full screen any more. This means that this is NOT a distraction free editor.
Gerard Brennan
en Not much good for anything really.
Olof Olofsson
en Fast! Really responsive on my acer a7. Could use a couple of tweaks down the road, but the concept is really good so far.
George Willard
en Does not do much. Writebox does more, can use Google Drive and Dropbox as well as being free. Writebox can also display Markdown results.
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