mydlink services plugin

mydlink services plugin

Total ratings

1.89 (Rating count: 417)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • Does not work on Chrome or other modern browsers (Safari, Edge, Firefox)
    • Requires outdated browsers like Internet Explorer for functionality
    • Difficult to set up and access camera feeds
    • Often gets stuck loading or fails to connect
    • Poor customer support and updates from D-Link
    Most mentioned
    • Incompatibility with modern browsers
    • Instability and frequent loading issues
    • Outdated technology and lack of support
    • General dissatisfaction with the product's reliability
    • Difficulty accessing camera functions
    See reviews for mydlink services plugin on Chrome Web Store
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.50
    All time rating average: 1.89
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    85% (83)
    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    Philip Holt
    en On all current browsers including chrome it says this plugin is not supported. Will allow snapshot photos. My cameras are quite old - dcs-2120.
    Mircea Mihaiu
    en Doesn't work on Chrome. Doesn't work on Safari...Doesn't work D-Link...I'll change...
    Gilles Gagnon
    fr ça a fonctionné jadis, mais ne fonctionne plus avec Windows 10 pour Chrome et Firefox. Il y a un message qui dit d'utiliser Internet Explorer, un navigateur que Microsoft ne supporte même plus ou Firefox avec une version très spécifique. Comme mon Firefox est à jour, ça ne fonctionne plus. Bon pour la poubelle. Je crois que la seule façon c'est d'installer sur un téléphone et pas sûr que je veux vérifier si ça marche...
    J B
    en "This plugin allows you to see live video from mydlink cameras on mydlink portal." LIES It's 2020 and DLINK is still recommending we use IE to display a video stream..
    simon lehn
    sv (Unsupported Browser or Operating System Detected!) moste vara nån mupp från dlink har tagit bort webbläsare stödet ,jag blir tokig >:(
    mendez derozer
    it e' uno schifo sia l'estenione che il software dlink
    Al Rudhy Haviz Saputra
    id Ribet ! Udah diinstall pulgin nya, tetap saja minta install juga.
    Juan Emilio Bertini Arbelaez
    es Es sumamente complicado ingresar a la camara prendida y funcionando piden un sin numero de factores que uno termina sacando la camara para no usarla , tengo meses deseando entrar y no me premiten hacerlo , ahora me piden descargar otras cosas y no funciona lo que piden es un grave problema tratar de usar esta camara
    Alfredo Amorini
    it Non funziona su Chrome, non funziona su Edge, non funziona su Firefox, non funziona su Safari, non funziona su Explorer, non funziona su Opera, NON FUNZIONA!!! Che aspettate ad aggiustare???
    Antoine SELLIER
    fr ne marche pas avec chrome
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