Simple Notes

A simple notes extension based off the Mac Notes app.

Total ratings

3.43 (Rating count: 14)

Review summary

  • Very useful for jotting down information while browsing multiple webpages.
  • Simple and intuitive interface.
  • Good search functionality.
  • Works well for preserving notes while filling out web forms.
  • Data loss issues, with reports of notes disappearing.
  • Limited functionality, such as lack of resizing options and syncing with other apps.
  • Experiences of the app freezing after a certain number of notes.
  • Some users found it to be buggy or not working at all.
Most mentioned
  • Note loss or data disappearance
  • Simplicity and ease of use
  • Wish for additional features like resizing and syncing
  • Bugs and freezing issues after a certain limit of notes.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.30
All time rating average: 3.43
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Rating filters

5 star
36% (5)
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29% (4)
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14% (2)
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21% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Ralph Stroud
en Very useful little app. In these days where you have multiple webpages open it is handy to have one location to jot down relevant info. It is especially useful for webforms where you can inadvertently hit the back button and lose everything. With Simple Notes you type out what you want to say and then copy/paste into the box. Perfect.
en 7 days: no bugs.
Alonso CI
en A bug gradually deleted all my notes.
Shin Lestere
en simple is better
Ajay Kumar
en Junk, trash and useless app.
Santhosh Kumar
en It was working till last Friday and suddenly all my data are vanished. What the heck went wrong?
Matteo Pellegri
en good idea, ease of use, useful search bar, but seems to receive only a certain number of notes then freezes
Jimena Cendejas
en I loved it I just wish you could adjust font size and drag it around.
en I love the app, i just wish there were a resizing option to drag the note and make it a little bigger. Overall AWESOME !!!
ko 내가 찾던 기능 1. 빠른 실행 2. 메모별 저장 3. 검색 가능 4. 메모 일시 자동 기록 5. 단순하고 직관적인 인터페이스 아쉬운 점 1. 구글keep과의 연동이 안됨. keep 확장프로그램도 있지만 구동이 느려서 아쉬움.
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