Reviews of Backgammon

List of user reviews and ratings for Backgammon

Total ratings

3.57 (Rating count: 1,026)

Review summary

  • Fun and enjoyable gameplay
  • Good way to keep skills up to date
  • Well-designed interface compared to other Backgammon Chrome extensions
  • Challenging for some players
  • Game feels rigged and biased towards the computer
  • Inconsistent AI gameplay and decision-making
  • Excessive advertisements slow down the game
  • No online play with other users
  • Lack of option to undo moves
Most mentioned
  • Rigged dice rolls favoring the computer
  • Poor AI decisions
  • Frustrating gameplay experience due to perceived cheating
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 3.57
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Rating filters

5 star
23% (17)
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32% (24)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tony Scolieri
en Great to keep my skills up to date. It's fun. I won't play Backgammon too much though, because the real challenge is Chess. No dice, no luck.
Barbara Joan Burger
en The rolls are most definitely rigged especially when you get to the expert level. I've written random number generator programs that work way better than this one. I can not believe that a random generator would give you 4 (and this happened to me numerous times) of the same rolls in a row. . When I see the program starting to roll out too many identical rolls in a row I clear out my history and then, amazingly, that stops happening. Also, as aside, as an expert player I can not understand some of the bad moves the computer has made when they had the option of better ones. I just want fair play no matter which side wins. As an expert player I expect to lose sometimes but when I win I want it to be because of a fair game not because the computer gave me an amazing, and stupid, opening.
Juliet Boone
en super fun to play
Wayne Hayes
en Well done! The best Chrome Backgammon by far. Thanks for such a fine pp!
Carlos Mejias
en It cheats, not good, won't let you undo, it steels your options when taking out peaces... SUCKS..!!!
pi tosko
it veramente scarso
Petr Franc
ru Вроде ничего.. но странная программа. Уровень Expert должен предполагать, что компьютер играет умно и расчетливо (ведь шахматные же компьютеры так и играют) - а не просто выкидывает постоянно себе дубли и наиболее подходящие камни, а своему противнику наоборот выбрасывает наиболее плохие и неудачные камни. И в конце, в процессе выброса шашек из дома - себе может за шесть ходов дать пять дублей, а противнику ни одной шестерки за весь выброс. В общем, довольно необъективный геймплей, основанный не на тонкостях и тактике, а на забивании противника с помощью зар. Экспертом тут и не пахнет, просто компьютер тупо дает камни по принципу "себе получше - противнику похуже", причем в таких количествах, каких в жизни даже в теории не бывает.
Josh M
en Does not have online play with other users
Martha Childs
en So rigged
tarquin bullocks
en Computer just committed suicide against me by moving stones inside its own home instead of taking them off.
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