Google Sheets Tabs on top

Move Google Sheets tabs on top. After installation, please refresh the Google Sheets page.

Total ratings

4.50 (Rating count: 16)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Increases efficiency and usability
  • Works well with native Google Sheets
  • Fixes issues with tab visibility
  • Flawlessly functional and reliable
  • Open source and highly praised by users
  • Issues with compatibility on certain systems (Windows 11)
  • Doesn't work on Excel spreadsheets opened in Sheets
  • Some users experience frustration with functionality
  • No toggle feature for tab position suggested by users
Most mentioned
  • Improved tab visibility
  • Compatibility issues with Windows 11
  • Works on embedded sheets
  • Request for toggle function
  • Overall functionality and reliability
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.50
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Happy Hoppy Days!
ja 操作しやすくなって効率が上がりました!ありがとうございました!!
Mike Bushert
en Google maps shows grey (not green). Will not work. Trying to use with Travel Mapper. new computer with Windows 11 pro uninstalled, installed and same with Chrome. 1. Your browser and its version. google chrome version 133.0.6943.99 2. The version of our extension you are using: 11.1 Frustrating.
Paulo Renato Rocha
is Nota 10
Scott Fechtel
en Does exactly what it should so I'm giving 5 stars. I would appreciate having a toggle function for when I'd rather my tabs be on the bottom.
Trishan Trilok
en Very bad doesn't work
Rattanak Chea
en it works like magic. Thanks. this should be by default/configurable by Google.
Daniel Mercure
en Does the trick on native Google Sheets. It doesn't do anything (which is expected) on Excel spreadsheets opened on Sheets unless you import them. Fixes an annoyance when the tabs are partially hidden at the bottom of the default view until you remember to press F11 to go full screen, but then your laptop intercepts F11 as a volume key and you have to search for how to go full screen without F11 and now you're annoyed. Don't be annoyed - get this extension!
Matheus Malosti
en Thanks for this
John Vergin
en Love this. Thank you much
Claire Hodson
en Works, even on embedded sheets. Fantastic.
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