

Analyze your email before hitting the send button.

Total ratings for Humaily
5.00 (Rating count: 6)
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Recent reviews for Humaily
Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 5.00
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
2021-03-29 Simi Coker I've been using Humaily to ensure that all my emails are high quality before sending them out to prospects. Before I downloaded the tool I was constantly unsure if what I wrote in emails was well written and effective at portraying my companies value. Now I can send with confidence and supporting data, which means I spend less time worrying about my email copy and more time building relationships at work. Thanks Team Humaily!
2021-01-29 Jackson W Great Extension that makes you revisit your e-mails - Been using Humaily for a few weeks now, and it has improved the quality of my e-mails. Humaily is a light weight addon that highlights your e-mail body and suggests improvements (ie: ideal length of sentences, readability...etc) One thing to highlight is the I:you ratio, which helps you focus more on the prospect rather than yourself, as we often get into the 'pitch trap'. I also like the aggregate review, which is done in a qualitative rather than quantitative way -- which I personally enjoy as rating an e-mail out of a 100 system makes people game the system to try and get the highest score. Overall, lots of opportunity with this addon - try it out, it's not disruptive and has helped me.