CSS Element Remover

CSS Element Remover

Utility to hide elements from web pages using their CSS-selector.

Total ratings for CSS Element Remover
3.90 (Rating count: 10)
See reviews for CSS Element Remover on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for CSS Element Remover
Recent rating average: 3.13
All time rating average: 3.90
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
2020-12-23 artur artur it says "easy to use" but to understand how to use it, you have to go to Chrome Web Store, open this Extension's page, click on "reviews" section and hope that some guy would consider to share the link of a video explaining hot to use this Ext ! moreover, after watching this video now you realize that for using this "easy-to-use" Extension you have to go to Developer tools, find the object, click on CSS panel and point out the required one !! brilliant ! I dont say this was very difficult, but why it wasnt published from start how to use this Extension UPD: in my develop Tool there is no section of this Extension. Garbage
Electric Spider
Electric Spider
"easy to use" yea and my mom's the Pope
Ginny Di
Ginny Di
It was working great for weeks, but this morning it inexplicably reset and so far I've had to re-hide the same elements on the same page twice today alone... this is useless to me if it can't function long term.
Not the easiest to work with, but once you get the hang of it, it's great! been looking for hide/show elements without reloading the page for quite long time! thank you for this extension
2019-09-24 Tim Tom This is the plugin I have been looking for for a long time!!!
How to use???? i dont understand.. make a tutorial please
2019-06-13 Ugur Alkan This tool is amazing!
Studio Lizix
Studio Lizix
Simple yet usefull tool!