
Integrate Chrome visually into your Breeze-styled KDE Plasma 5 desktop with this theme.

Total ratings

4.63 (Rating count: 82)
See reviews for Breeze on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.70
All time rating average: 4.63
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Rating filters

5 star
72% (18)
4 star
16% (4)
3 star
8% (2)
2 star
4% (1)
1 star
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en Looks good with my KDE Plasma 5, perfect job!
Cyprien Delaporte
en Fit nearly perfectly with me with me.
Tim Richardson
en Thanks for this legendary effort.
2018-06-12 A Google user Thanks for creating this theme! Hope you can still update this in the future, seeing this has been last changed in 2015. Wish Chrome had square tabs instead of the round ones.
A Google user
en Thanks for creating this theme! Hope you can still update this in the future, seeing this has been last changed in 2015. Wish Chrome had square tabs instead of the round ones.
Michał Dybczak
en Works well with breeze themed panel on KDE Plasma.
Александр Ыещкщяршдщм
vi 5C~~
en Kept trying Qupzilla and Otter for a browser that fits KDE. No need now;) Very good.
Aram Grigoryan
en well done! would be nice to have breeze icons
Michael De
en Not an exact match in recent Plasma. If you use the default Breeze color scheme, and have the Chrome window UNfocused, you can see a difference in color between window decoration/titlebar and the rest of the window underneath that is themed.
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