Bookmarker for Notion

Eye-candy 21st century bookmarks, straight into your notion workspace

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3.67 (Rating count: 9)
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Recent rating average: 2.25
All time rating average: 3.67

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Adelaida García Lares
es Me gustó mucho! Realmente es sencillo y cómodo de usar, y que la imagen del link esté como portada me parece muy funcional y estético. Me gustaría que agreguen la opción de seleccionar propiedades personalizadas de la base de datos.
zh 这个想法很棒,可惜按照教程我并没有操作成功
Mladen Fernežir
en Usage instructions are not complete and they are partially obsolete. For example: There is no integrations settings under workspace (it's under connections). It doesn't say about the required connection permissions. It is not Share, but 3 dots "..." and then Connections/Add connection Where do I click "Properties"? It was problematic to get it working at all. Still, this extension doesn't solve it for me. I have 50 tabs in my window and I want to save them all with one click to a single database. Not manually one by one.
Сергей Друзь
en Sync failed. API token is invalid.