The Arrow (1920x1080)

The Arrow Chrome Theme

Total ratings

3.55 (Rating count: 56)
See reviews for The Arrow (1920x1080) on Chrome Web Store
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Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.55
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23% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
jose carlos herrera ovejero
es Bufff mal conjunto de colores, encima las pestañas se ven de un color demasiado brillante que hace que si lo usas por la noche te deje medio ciego :S
Theodor Buskenström
en Disgusting coloring on the toolbar
Richard Chandra
en i really love it
Dano Di Credico
en I love the arrrow
Fatimazahra Noui
fr la baniere juste wtf
Ron M
en I like this Arrow theme but like some say , it could do without the rainbow tab bar. Other than that , I really like this theme.
Roma Vyas
en The Tab Bar rainbow design is the only seen but none of theme is seen in background.
Jordan Cain
en Bigger size fits my screen compared to the other smaller one, perfect for a 24" screen!
ravindu senanayake
en all the characters were not there.
Allyson Barbosa
pt mt bom
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