List of user reviews and ratings for JIRA Issue Opener
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Date | Author | Rating | Lang | Comment |
2020-04-13 | en | It is very much helpful.. | ||
2017-03-06 | en | Really handy. Added suggestion to be able to handle multiple instances. | ||
2016-10-14 | en | Good helper. One suggestion for improvement: Would be great if it prefills the text field with the value in the clipboard. It should by default be selected completey so if the user starts typing it will be overwritten. | ||
2015-08-25 | en | Very useful. I assigned a keyboard shortcut so I don't need to click the extension. It would be nice to be able to enter a default project code that gets prefilled in the text field, since most of the issues I need to open are for the same project. (Added suggestion) | ||
2015-02-09 | en | good. the graphical design could be better (for instance, I would prefer lighter theme). |