Material Blue

Clean material blue theme the Chrome Web Store deserves. • Cuts out distracting logos, backgrounds, colors, and gradients present…

Total ratings

4.22 (Rating count: 9)
See reviews for Material Blue on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.67
All time rating average: 4.22

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Chase Danychuk
en Matches Chrome OS theme
Michael Bergman
en Really nice. The fact that it themes the "action bar" below the URL bar is a nice touch. Many people ignore that. I know that this theme tries to "cut out the distractions", but I wish it didn't hide the rounded corners of the tabs. I also wish it kept the circle behind the + icon. Currently nothing is separating the + icon from the x icon from the previous tab.
Ben Shields
en Awesome theme with great colors! Fits Chrome perfectly and incorporates Google's Material Design well.