
Dracula Theme

Total ratings

4.71 (Rating count: 14)

Review summary

  • Great theme that enhances tab visibility
  • Regular updates improve the theme experience
  • Overall pleasing aesthetic
  • Pink tab underline takes the whole bar instead of being slim under the selected tab
  • Favicons are not vertically center aligned
  • Color of the selected tab is taxing on the eyes
Most mentioned
  • Issues with the pink tab underline
  • Glitches related to favicons
  • Desire for better color contrasts for readability
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Dracula on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.57
All time rating average: 4.71

Rating filters

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71% (5)
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14% (1)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jason Biggs
en My default.
Julielen Alberto
Lion Heart
en Nearly perfect ! I hope you will fix the pink tab underline 🙏 Now, it takes the whole bar sadly 😥
Izaak Wicks
en EDIT: The glitches are fixed and, combined with the latest Chrome update, this theme looks AWESOME! Original message: Great theme, unfortunately there's a few glitches: - The pink bar runs along the width of the screen, instead of underneath the single tab that's been selected - Since the latest Chrome update at the time of writing this review, the Favicons "float" up to the top of the tab - they're not vertically centre aligned to the text A weird nitpick but I wish the pink bar was a little bit slimmer - I feel that if it wasn't so wide it would add to the "sleek" feeling of the theme.
Mark P
en Finally, a theme that makes the current tab findable!
Đorđe Jović
en I wish the color of the selected tab and when a tab is hovered over was white. This makes it taxing on the eyes unnecessarily trying to read something that should be very easy. It's not completely unreadable, it's usable, but a white or gray would work much better. Everything else is good.
en The best theme 4ever. It's lovely to see that it has updates considering it's just a theme. :) great job!