Police Arrest Records

Police Arrest Records

Fetch details from a large database of police records

Total ratings for Police Arrest Records
4.57 (Rating count: 35)
See reviews for Police Arrest Records on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Police Arrest Records
Recent rating average: 1.33
All time rating average: 4.57
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tammy Eback
Tammy Eback
en said it was free go thru it all then the last step they want u to pay BS
Mike Mann
Mike Mann
en Took several minutes to perform a records search. Then asks you for your personal information. Then doesn't give you information on your search unless you pay. Misleading.
David Oversteel
David Oversteel
en Dumb. Takes you through a bunch of crap then asks you for money. Keep looking, don't waste your time on it.