Shows various insights about trello board , at individual card list level as well as board level
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Review summary
- Informative and useful feature when it works
- Some users found it great and enjoyable
- The pie chart feature is appreciated if functional
- Doesn't function properly or at all for many users
- Requires frequent refreshing to see updated data
- User interface issues, such as layout problems
- Lack of support and updates for the extension
Most mentioned
- Doesn't work anymore or looks broken
- Needs a refresh to activate
- Confusion about how progress is calculated
- Pie chart missing or not functioning
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User
reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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Date | Author | Rating | Lang | Comment |
2022-07-11 | en | Doesn't work anymore it seems. | ||
2020-11-05 | en | It's a buggy mess. | ||
2020-07-23 | id | bagus dan sangat informatif | ||
2019-02-28 | A Google user | Needs a refresh to activate. Pie chart missing | ||
2019-02-28 | en | Needs a refresh to activate. Pie chart missing | ||
2018-12-02 | en | How do I pull up the Progress bars or the pie chart? I installed extension but the progress bar doesn't show anything or there is no pie chart. | ||
2018-09-17 | ru | Невозможно использовать. Верстка съезжает. Прогресс вообще не_понятно как считается. Лучше было бы привязать прогресс к дате завершения. Но видно приложение больше не_поддерживается. А жаль. Функция нужная в целом. | ||
2018-07-14 | en | Looks broken | ||
2018-05-10 | en | Stopped working... Even if i refresh de page... | ||
2017-08-24 | zh | 還不錯,但有些小問題: 列表中如果有空的卡片,也會列入完成度的計算當中,是否能有個通詗選項可以去忽略不包含代辦清單的卡片呢? |
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