Open with Switchbar

Integrate Switchbar with your browser, so you can move a web page from one browser to another at the click of a button.

Open with Switchbar - Chrome extension

Open with Switchbar is a Chrome extension that integrates Switchbar with your browser, allowing you to move a web page from one browser to another with just a click of a button. Simply right-click on a link or use the Switchbar toolbar button to send the page you are viewing to another browser.
Install from Chrome Web Store

Extension stats

Users: 1,000+
Rating: 3.00
Version: 2.0 (Last updated: 2024-08-12)
Creation date: 2021-06-02
Risk impact: Very low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
  • activeTab
  • contextMenus
Size: 44.56K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Open with Switchbar (v1.0)
1.00 (1) 32
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

This extension integrates Switchbar with your browser, so you can move a web page from one browser to another at the click of a button.

Switchbar is a desktop app that lets you choose where to open links. Any time you click on a web link, Switchbar will prompt you to choose which browser, browser profile or email client to open that link with. Learn more at

With this extension installed, you can right-click on a link and select "Open with Switchbar” to send it to another browser. You can also use the Switchbar toolbar button to send the page you are looking at to another browser.

User reviews

NOTE: This extension WILL ONLY with the Switchbar app installed. If you don't use Switchbar, don't bother installing the extension. I Guessing the previous 1-star review was because someone didn't understand this. Otherwise, if you DO use the companion app, Switchbar, this lightweight extension works great and makes the app even more useful! Note on Switchbar: I've found the (free limited version) Switchbar app ( extremely helpful to manage multiple browser profiles. It allows profile choice based on flexible user-defined URL rules like domain, URL type, etc. Jury's still out on whether it's worth the $20 for the full version, but it does allow a larger # of managed profiles.
by Scott Gardner, 2024-07-07

by AZ_UME, 2023-07-05
View all user reviews

Extension safety

Risk impact

Open with Switchbar does not require any sensitive permissions.

Risk likelihood

Open with Switchbar has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

Upgrade to see risk analysis details

Similar extensions

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