Stellar price in EUR by BitcoinFan

This extension displays the current Stellar price in EUR on the badge. If you click it a TradingView chart will be displayed.

Stellar Price in EUR by BitcoinFan - Chrome Extension

Stellar Price in EUR by BitcoinFan is a Chrome extension that provides real-time and accurate updates of the current Stellar cryptocurrency price in Euros. It allows users to conveniently track the price on the badge and access a TradingView chart by clicking on it.

Extension stats

Users: 3
Version: 1.0.9 (Last updated: 2023-12-05)
Creation date: 2021-07-15
Risk impact: Very low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 3
Size: 137.22K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Unlike other extensions, the Stellar (XLM) price shown on the badge looks correct, even if the price of the cryptocurrency exceeds five digits. The price displayed is an average of various exchanges calculated by CoinGecko. You can install multiple extensions at the same time to monitor the price in both Euros and Dollars (to do this look for my other extensions).

Extension safety

Risk impact

Stellar price in EUR by BitcoinFan does not require any sensitive permissions.

Risk likelihood

Stellar price in EUR by BitcoinFan may not be trust-worthy. Avoid installing if possible unless you really trust this publisher.

Upgrade to see risk analysis details

Promo images

Stellar price in EUR by BitcoinFan small promo image
Small promo image

Similar extensions

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