Reviews of Shrink Lists for Trello

List of user reviews and ratings for Shrink Lists for Trello

Total ratings

3.73 (Rating count: 11)

Review summary

  • Helps to hide empty lists when filtering is on, reducing clutter.
  • Allows users to focus by displaying only relevant lists.
  • Works cleanly and as advertised for many users.
  • Useful for managing a large number of lists efficiently.
  • Does not hide empty lists properly since the fall of 2023.
  • The 'create new list' link is hidden regardless of toggling shrinking.
  • Long list titles get truncated when lists are shrunk.
  • The 'add list' link disappears, causing confusion for users.
Most mentioned
  • Hiding empty lists functionality is important for user experience.
  • Issues with the 'create new list' link being hidden.
  • Truncation of long list titles is problematic.
  • The extension can help reduce horizontal scrolling by managing the lists.
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Shrink Lists for Trello on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.44
All time rating average: 3.73

Rating filters

5 star
33% (3)
4 star
22% (2)
3 star
11% (1)
2 star
22% (2)
1 star
11% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
John More
en I used to absolutely love this extension because I could filter cards and then make it hide all lists that didn't have a filtered card in them. I would have given it six stars. But since the fall of 2023 it doesn't hide empty lists when filtering, only lists that have no cards in them at all. It's no longer useful to me, and I haven't found a satisfactory substitute. Two stars because, aside from the lack of functionality with filtering, it works cleanly.
en Buttons have no effect.
Wolfgang Huf
en Great extension! Works as advertised.
Steven Zhang
en Great extension, except one fatal flaw- the "create new list" link is hidden, regardless of whether the shrinking is actually toggled or not.
Collin Burton
en We typically have 60-100 lists per week, so this is a nice way to shrink them, and still be able to expand them as needed. The only problem I have with this extension is that list titles get truncated when the lists are shrunk, and we work with a lot of long list titles. So "2016-08-25 Client Subaru Model Pages [2] August Coop" turns into "2016-08-25 Client" There's no quick way to see what a task is unless you either click in the title, and use the arrow keys to scroll through it, or expand the lists and find it.
Trenton Mcfarlane
en This is a great extension and I've only had it for a second but unfortunately it did not accomplish my goal. I would like a feature to combine the features to "shrink empty lists". I still want the list to appear however I only want the empty lists to have limited space. The problem I'm trying to solve is empty lists will take up the space of a normal list. While I still want the empty list to appear so I can easily drag/drop items to it, I want the space reduced. I can however use this extension to make the list not display and use the trello move command on the task to move it to said list. I will try this for now. Thank you! Edit: Sorry just tried it and there is one major flaw. If you move something to an empty list that is not being displayed with the "move" function, the list will not appear until you refresh the board. Unfortunate behavior. Hope this can be improved. If knew how to work on chrome extensions I would be more than happy to help.
Charles Herold
en This is good except for one thing; with the extension installed, the "add list" link disappears from Trello boards. Fortunately you can also add lists by double clicking on any empty part of the current board, but I had to google that to find it out, so this extension needs to, at minimum, mention that in the description, and better, do something like putting an "add list" link next to their other links to make up for the missing link. Still, it's very handy.
Patrick Gilmour
en As my Trello boards grow 'm finding this really useful to hide empty lists when filtering is on. It helps focus and helps you feel less overwhelmed.
Jake Apple
en Perfect! I've been looking for something that will hide all of the lists I'm not working on. If I'm lucky and only have a few lists I'm working on at the time, all my lists will fit on one page. Which means no more horizontal scroll bar! I first filter my Trello board to only show cards assigned to me. Then I use Shrink Lists' hide Empty Lists and Shrink Lists features.