Toolkit provides Package.xml out of change sets. Test coverage export functionality. Fast navigation to User detail. Big Query.
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Review summary
- Saves a lot of manual work in generating package.xml.
- Works as a life saver for deployments to multiple environments.
- Can retrieve classes with test coverage.
- Useful for generating package.xml from change sets.
- Does not work properly for some users, showing errors.
- Only works in Classic; Lightning support is requested.
- Has bugs, such as rounding differences in test class code coverage and issues with record types not being retrieved.
- Namespace issue; does not fetch exact object names.
Most mentioned
- Does not work properly or shows errors.
- Needs improvement in Lightning support.
- Life saver for deployments.
- Bugs need fixing.
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reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
User reviews
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Date | Author | Rating | Lang | Comment |
2023-09-13 | en | Never Worked. I am on the Outbound changeset page and it keeps saying - Please navigate to inbound/outbound ChangeSet page to generate package.xml | ||
2022-11-16 | en | It never worked for me. It is always saying the below error even though I am in the change set. "Please navigate to inbound/outbound ChangeSet page to generate package.xml" | ||
2019-08-06 | en | Great tool ... working only in Classic Now the great improvement is having it working in Lightning !!! Hope you'll do it | ||
2017-04-12 | en | Its great except for one bug. For test class code coverage it rounds off to upper limit for coverage % whereas salesforce rounds it off to lower limit. Kindly fix it. | ||
2016-07-05 | en | It is indeed a life saver. Though it would be great if you can fix the bugs like record types are not retrieved etc. | ||
2016-03-23 | en | Freaking life saver! It's a bit slower, but I don't care. Makes life so much easier when doing deployments to multiple environments! | ||
2015-08-20 | en | This tool takes away lot of manual work in generating the package.xml from a change set thereby allows the users to take the full flexibility of the SFDC ant deployment tool. There are still few minor bugs to it but those can be manually addressed in the generated package.xml file. | ||
2015-07-09 | en | issue with the is not fetching exact object name if we have namespace. | ||
2015-05-15 | en | Thanks Bhupendra, It is real magic tool, we can get easily all class with test coverage and other thing we can get package.xml file it is very useful. Best Regards, Satya | ||
2014-12-19 | en | Loved the way it provides the Code |