Mass Effect 3 N7 Day Postcard Theme - FemShep

Mass Effect 3 N7 Day Postcard Theme - FemShep Edition. Works best in 1920x1080.

Total ratings

4.41 (Rating count: 29)
See reviews for Mass Effect 3 N7 Day Postcard Theme - FemShep on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.41

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en Absolutely in love with this theme! I've used it for like five years now and I still don't want to change it. Although the last Chrome update seems to have broken it and the new tab window only displays a grey background.
en Would be perfect without Liara polluting the screen. Too bad this is only ME1 and ME2. I'm really missing Javik and EDI from ME3.
mason tucker
en i love it
Sam Naru
en Hands down the best Mass Effect theme out there. Would kill for a dark version, though, but that's only minor. Great work.
Ƙim Alexander
en Hard to see shepard at the bottom. Really cool though.
Jacob Reynoldson
en Good color scheme and easy to read. Scales well to my screen size unlike the other Femshep theme