Reviews of Sticky Note

List of user reviews and ratings for Sticky Note

Total ratings

2.38 (Rating count: 26)

Review summary

  • Allows saving images
  • Has potential functionality that users are looking for
  • Does not work or open for many users
  • Notes do not persist when reloading the page
  • User interface is confusing and poorly designed
  • Options and features are buggy or non-functional
  • Lacks easy accessibility to all notes
Most mentioned
  • Not working or cannot open
  • Confusing user interface
  • Notes do not remain upon page reload
  • Bugs in options and features
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
See reviews for Sticky Note on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 2.38
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Rating filters

5 star
12% (3)
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16% (4)
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24% (6)
1 star
44% (11)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en cant open anymore </3
ja クロームのJAVAをOFFにしてサイト閲覧(広告がウザいので)する時に使用できるのが良い。 なおかつ画像も保存できるのがよい 私の環境ではオプションがうまく表示されなかった
Mayra Zamora
en App does not work. If it did, it be the best extension!
ru расширение не запускается/
Dave Land
en Almost impossible to use. Doesn't preserve notes when reloading the page. Useless. Would give zero stars if Google permitted it. Waste of my time.
Trâm Anh
vi ko dùng được
amanda -
pt nem abrir abre
eman alrahbi
en chrome-extension://khmmaepcamdkhdikdaphneenognobngd/options.html i found a leak that they are adding different fonts and colours
Rick Yoder
en UI is unnecessarily confusing. Why does the square button on notes have more than 1 function? Make a separate button for expanding and minimizing, or change the icon to indicate what the next click will do. The * button for alerts is also poorly designed. Google's Material Icons are free to use and would make the extension much easier to comprehend. The options/summary page is very barebones and lacks content. The X buttons in the corners of notes do not have the 'X' properly centered. Sloppy. The alert functionality seems pointless. You turn the notes red? Why not send a notification to the person? And let's not forget all the people saying that the app doesn't even work. They're spared from seeing this thrown together pile of spaghetti code. Overall this app is half baked and it's a miracle it has so many users. It's because it's free. If the creator was charging for this people would be ticked.
Nina Reviews
pt Não funciona na Chrome Web Store, onde mais se precisa! Options BUGADA, não funciona! Não mostra nenhum conteúdo! Data/Hora BUGADA não tem onde consertar nem mesmo definir a hora certa! Não dá pra editar o tamanho das notas! Não muda as cores das notas! REPROVADA! Não Recomendo!
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