Zoom Chrome Extension

Schedule Zoom meetings directly from Google Calendar

Total ratings

3.87 (Rating count: 1,008)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Reliable video and audio quality even in varying internet conditions
  • Includes useful features like screen sharing, virtual backgrounds, breakout rooms, and recording options
  • User-friendly interface for starting meetings quickly
  • Many users appreciate the updates and new features that enhance functionality
  • Overall positive experiences noted in different languages
  • Frequent crashing and freezing issues reported across various devices
  • Problems with saving and syncing meetings scheduled via Google Calendar to the Zoom dashboard
  • Difficulty in setting up virtual backgrounds, especially without a green screen
  • Resource-heavy, leading to performance issues on multiple machines
  • Issues with account logins and finding support
Most mentioned
  • Crashing and freezing issues
  • Problems with Google Calendar integration
  • Limitations of the free plan including 40-minute meeting time
  • Difficulty in setting up virtual backgrounds
  • Resource consumption and performance problems
See reviews for Zoom Chrome Extension on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.80
All time rating average: 3.87
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Rating filters

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43% (184)
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17% (73)
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1 star
26% (110)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
shohidul islam
en nice
Rick Hawley
en have a hard time setting up virtual background keeps saying I need green screen and is impossible to do and on chromebook Just crashes uses up my resources on all my machines freezes drops very resource heavy I use Meet whenever I can it just works I thought when I bought a plan It would at least let me do virtual backgrounds before I was paying they limit meetings to 45 minutes and basically announce and shame You for being on free plan Other apps are perfect no problems freezing it even does it on my desktop which has amazing specs its a resource pig trying to get an AI startup going Every meeting or live is an embarrassing fiasco no matter what system I am on I( always hesitate to give anyone a bad review but I am tired of the embarrassing dropping freezing and cant even think about sharing my screen I cringe doing onboarding or discovery calls, my partner won't even let me join our show anymore because his Mac has no problems and Its a podcast training and interview live simulcast across 5 platforms and embarrassing for me my guests and forget getting funded its cost me sales its cost me funding it's just ridiculous and makes me hate it
Nis Arend
en Keeps logging into an account which is not mine. Googled galore but can't find a solution anywhere. Getting hold of zoom is impossible.
Kyle Quintero
en "Scheduling directly on Google Calendar results in my Zoom meetings never showing up on the zoom.us dashboard, which means I can't add co-hosts or update/edit any meetings after I create them. The events seem to be removed from zoom.us a few days after they are created on Google Calendar." This was a review from a year ago and is somehow still an issue. Meetings still don't show up on the zoom website and you still can't add alternative hosts on the extension. It refuses to save entries under alternative hosts and since the meetings don't show up on the website you can't edit them there either.
Vaibhav Sunder
en In post-2020 world, this was very required
es espero resulte positivo
Alexander Santiago-Perez
en this app is good for covid 25
Challen Carland
en I'm the 1000th review, I cant tell you how much power I hold
Takaki Umino
ja 非常に便利です! 快適に使えていますが、複数名巻き込んでカレンダーを作るときに、自動でmeetの方を削除してもらえると嬉しいです! mtg実施時にzoomとmeetで参加者が分散して開始が遅れる、という事象が稀に起こり、運用で改善していますが拡張機能の方で対応いただけたら大変助かります!
en Great app
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