Sea Turtle

Awesome theme for

Total ratings

4.20 (Rating count: 267)

Review summary

  • Beautiful wallpaper
  • Heartwarming nostalgia
  • Cute design
  • Difficulty in removing the extension
  • Incompatibility with smaller screens
  • Browser interface remains unchanged
Most mentioned
  • The aesthetic appeal of the turtle image
  • Nostalgic memories associated with turtles
  • Issues regarding the usability and functionality of the extension
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.30
All time rating average: 4.20
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Rating filters

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68% (67)
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8% (8)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Terri Knudsen
en a beautiful memory
Severine Zancanaro
fr j'adore ce fond écran il est magnifique recomandé
22kane Morse
en Reminds me of my youth, diving with my Uncle Benny in Keehi Lagoon. There was only one turtle that I had ever seen there throughout my youth. Did a lot of crabbing, and the turtle would always come and greet my uncle. My uncle once told me that he thought of cooking the turtle and using it's shell to make guitar picks. But he forgot that the minute the turtle surfaced next to him and stayed along side as he pulled up the crab nets. He said the turtle was pretty old, and that's why it made it's home in the tranquil lagoon.
Teatre Forever (Alguien)
en It's time to believe, trust and go for that dream with which you jump and run as a kid all time without wondering what time is it for going back home. It's the time to earn money workingplaying.
asly gilon
es por que ahora como hago para quitarlo no me deja díganme como lo quito
Arya Cozman
en it was so cute! but hmmm... i dont know whats missing
Kardeşler TV
Valery Mendoza
pt exelente
en super
Norm Mendes
en I feel for all eight marine turtle species! Your everyday marine biologist. NAM, Orange County CA
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