Wolf Pack 1366x768

This is a pack of North American Grey Wolves featured in a theme. Enjoy! ❖❖❖Version 2.5: Removed obtrusive NTP overlay (logo),…

Total ratings

4.56 (Rating count: 437)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Beautiful imagery of wolves
  • Reflects individuality of wolves
  • Visually appealing and majestic
  • Great theme for wolf lovers
  • Good seasonal representation (like autumn)
  • Google logo is always visible and cannot be removed
  • Does not fit the screen
  • Quality is not HD
Most mentioned
  • Loves for wolves
  • Beauty of the theme
  • Problems with the Google logo visibility
  • Non-HD quality
  • Theme cuteness
See reviews for Wolf Pack 1366x768 on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.90
All time rating average: 4.56
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Rating filters

5 star
81% (120)
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11% (16)
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3% (4)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
James Gallucci
it La Famiglia
A Google user
zh 最高
es Hermosísimo / super beautiful
Amethyst Mac
en Nice but not HD.
Cary Thomas
en Great on the eyes
Bill Jones
en Majestic
Earth Dog
en A fantastic Theme with a powerful image of the wolfs
Sophia Willingham
en I love wolves a lot because they are very majestic creatures and I love how they either work in a pack or alone. Wolves have individuality and that quality is something that can't be found in many places. I also agree with you Seircha Hines, I was gonna say the same thing but I don't want to seem like a copier or a bad person so I just wrote, what I personally thought. Bye <3
Crave Red Panda
en I just love this and wolves! One problem: the google logo. It is ALWAYS there! How do u get rid of it?
Angella Crandall
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