Tag Assistant

The Tag Assistant extension works with Tag Assistant to help troubleshoot installation of gtag.js and Google Tag Manager.

Total ratings

3.98 (Rating count: 1,190)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
    • New version breaks functionality of the tool and is unusable compared to the old version.
    • Users cannot see or debug Google tags properly in the new version.
    • The user interface is considered bad and not intuitive.
    • New version fails to identify GTMs and conversion tags accurately.
    Most mentioned
    • Users are requesting the old version to be reinstated due to loss of functionality.
    • The new version is perceived as useless and more complicated than the original.
    • There are issues with compatibility, particularly with various platforms (e.g., Shopify).
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    User reviews

    Recent rating average: 1.10
    All time rating average: 3.98
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    5 star
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    Date Author Rating Lang Comment
    Max Kellner
    de Schrecklich, funktioniert gar nicht mehr so, wie er sollte... Ein echt schlichtweg enttäuschendes Update.
    Oleg Vorobiov - ACV
    en The last 2 updates broke the functionality of a perfect tool that I've been using for many years. Since Tag Assistant was updated in late December 2024, I lost the ability to see SPA pages developed in vue.js in Google Tag Manager's Preview Mode. Please revert to the old version and stop breaking things, Google. We are trying to do some work here while you are breaking our tools and taking away functionality.
    Gordon McCallum
    en this new version is worthless. Please read all these recent reviews and bring back the extension that had value.
    Lutz Dausend
    de Mit dem neuen Tag Assistant kann man nichts mehr anfangen, außer zu sehen welche IDs es gibt. GAds Conversion kann man nicht mehr überprüfen, kein DataLayer nichts. Wo ist das eine Verbesserung? Auf wen hat man da gehört?
    David Adams
    en The old version was extremely helpful when it came to identifying specific Google Ad, Floodlights, etc. The new version is completely useless. It doesn't maintain any of the useful features of the original. Can you just bring the old version back?
    David Reichenbach
    en What they promise in the description ("This advanced tool allows you to debug your website, including iframes, within a single session, providing detailed diagnostics to help you validate, diagnose, and resolve your implementation.") is not true anymore, unfortunately. This Tag Assistant plugin is not working anymore since the recent update. We'd been using it to debug our websites that had two GTM containers (one embedded directly, one via iframe). Now this plugin fails to identify any GTM and claims there is none which makes it impossible to debug . This needs to be fixed.
    Jacky Wong
    en How to use, i have no idea. Already adding the gtag on the project but never saw this tool able to detect the tag. Even i type 'gtag' on the console it did return me the gtag functions.
    Hoster Cube
    en Bad UI/UX, Old is gold.
    zh 并没有成功调用debug視窗
    Bob Brown
    en Broken, broken, broken. Downloaded the new Tag Assistant Companion plugin after this plugin was considered "deprecated," and found that the new Tag Assistant Companion plugin would constantly fail to identify GTMs properly, even though the old deprecated plugin worked just fine. Now it looks like Google had the bright idea to combine the plugins (can't imagine why, the feedback for the new plugin was so great!) and in the process, broke the old plugin as well. Now Google has two official plugins that don't work worth a damn. Claims there's no GTM present, however, inspecting the code on the website and looking in our Google Tag Manager shows that the tag is present and firing. Nice job, Google!
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