Trello Boosted Boards

Boost your Trello Boards with Tags, Labels, Priorities, Counters, Calendar and more

Total ratings

4.57 (Rating count: 21)

Review summary

  • Excellent overall functionality and performance
  • Includes advanced productivity features without UI clutter
  • Transparency effect to mark cards as 'done'
  • Helpful card counter and calendar item functions
  • Good support for small boards
  • Full size card labels do not work
  • Extension sometimes causes slow performance with other extensions
  • Not functioning properly in Chrome for some users
  • Cannot effectively handle large boards
  • Request for easier toggling of features due to conflicts with other extensions
Most mentioned
  • Full size card labels not working
  • Performance issues with larger boards
  • General praise for being the best Trello plugin
  • Request for enhanced customization options
  • Performance conflicts with other extensions
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.57
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Rating filters

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67% (8)
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8% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
en The full size card labels doesn't work.
Juan Franco
es Excelente extension, creo que una de las mejores que hay. (estuve probando otras extesiones, con otras funciones, y esta hacia que la extension que has hecho funcione lento, esto ocurre cuando abro una tarjeta para ver su contenido. Lo 1ero que pense es, que era la extension que hicistes, pero no era el caso.)
Amie Richardson
en not working in Chrome
Sebastián Valenzuela Rasmussen
en Excellent!
en Best all-in-one Trello plugin there is. Only one I found that manages to include advanced productivity features in Trello without cluttering the UI.
Milan Cvijetinovic
en great extension.
mohamed osman
en i use the transparent card as raw separator and the red list as a column separator! :D it's great!
C Dane
en Love the concept, works great on a small board, but sadly can't handle a large board so no good for me.
Simanta Mitra
en Awesome!
Matthew Yauch
en Awesome extension. Love the transparency effect provided by !n, I can mark a card as 'done' by dimming it, making it easier for the unfinished items to stand out. The card counter is also so simple, but really helpful. I've definitely created some custom fields for dates before, so the calendar item is nice, too. Overall great job.
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