

Browse Twitter safely and avoid fake news with VeriNews. Powerful extension equipped with latest machine learning techniques!

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5.00 (Rating count: 2)
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2018-10-08 Stella Seet In this world where we have all sorts of information at our fingertips, news bombarding us from every corner and social media updates just a click away, VeriNews presents itself as a useful aid in helping both young and old determine the credibility of the articles that we read (on twitter) and is a helpful tool to protect ourselves from fake news. It can also be useful for educational institutes to introduce their students to media literacy and learn how to judge the trustworthiness of information based on certain criteria. VeriNews not only calculates a score that helps the user to rank the credibility of information, it also has an interactive feature that allows the user to choose if the article is likely to be fake or credible. This presents an opportunity for the extension to gather more data from the masses and potentially improve on its ability and accuracy in determining the credibility of information.