What is Attention Insight?
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Extension summary
Generate attention heatmap directly where you are and discover the ways to optimise your website!
AI-powered design analytics allow you to see websites through the eyes of users. Learn how users engage with designs, improve user experience, measure against your competitors and make data driven decisions.
Attention Insight is based on deep learning technology and trained using a dataset with 5.5+ million fixations and 550+ gaze points for eye tracking studies. Attention heatmaps are 96% accurate as compared with eye-tracking research studies. Proved by MIT.
- Understand, which object attracts the most attention without data collection.
- Implement A/B testing in minutes
- Measure against your competitors
- Improve visual engagement and optimise content visibility
AI is working for you.
Learn more about Attention Insight at https://www.attentioninsight.com
User reviews
- Provides valuable insights for landing page optimization
- Generates AI heatmaps for analysis
- Good starting point for design testing before real eye-tracking studies
- Helps in improving web traffic and user engagement
- User-friendly and essential for modern business
- Not a substitute for real eye-tracking studies
- Results may not be perfect or comprehensive
- Great alternative to Visual Eyes
- Effective for landing page conversion rate optimization
- Analytics provided are considered priceless
- Positive feedback from clients after using the tool
- Chrome extension is a must-have for users of Attention Insight
Recent reviews
Extension safety
Risk impact
Attention Insight requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.
Risk likelihood
Attention Insight has earned a good reputation and can be trusted.
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