The Flag Of Ukraine

Theme for Google Chrome with a background image of the flag of Ukraine. The theme is presented in yellow and blue colors. Size…

Total ratings

4.84 (Rating count: 25)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Vivid and pleasant colors
  • Great theme overall
  • Expresses support for Ukraine
  • Easy to install and use
  • Doesn't work well on 2k resolution screens
  • Colors don't accurately reflect the Ukrainian flag
  • Some users found the colors unpleasing
Most mentioned
  • Colors of the theme
  • Overall positive feedback
  • Support for Ukraine
See reviews for The Flag Of Ukraine on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.80
All time rating average: 4.84
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Rating filters

5 star
85% (11)
4 star
15% (2)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Viktoria Arseniuk
en Twelve out of ten I would say ^^ Vivid & pleasant colors <3 Loved this Theme, for a long, long time will it remain ;D
Eugene H
en Great idea but doesn't work well in 2k resolution 32" screen. The image on New Tab isn't fullscreen
olena olena
uk мені нра
Олександр Глинов
uk Гарна та красива тема. Дякую автору! Слава Україні - Героям Слава!
Victor Camomile
ru Тема неплохая но было бы более ближе к цветам Украинского флага и приятнее для глаз еслы бы цвета были бы действительно синего и жёлтого цвета, а то больше выглядит как бледно серо-голубой с оранжевым так что пока оценка 4 из 5 The theme is not bad, but it would be closer to the colors of the Ukrainian flag and more pleasing to the eye if the colors were really blue and yellow, otherwise it looks more like a pale gray-blue with orange, so for now the rating is 4 out of 5
Oksana Mytrofanyuk
en Glory to Ukraine!
Катерина Горбаль (Aksioma13)
en nice theme
Михайло Перебийніс
uk Чудова тема! Great theme!
Yaroslav Barchuk
en Great theme!
Daryna Putintseva
Slava Ukraїni!
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