Lord of the Rings

An unofficial Lord of the Rings theme for Google Chrome.

Total ratings

4.82 (Rating count: 2,071)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Great design for fans of Lord of the Rings
  • Visually pleasing and aesthetically beautiful
  • Long-lasting use by many fans
  • Highly rated as the best LOTR theme available
  • Well-developed and engaging theme
  • Presence of a giant watermark which some find annoying
Most mentioned
  • Beautiful design and themes
  • Long-time user satisfaction
  • Highly favored among LOTR fans
See reviews for Lord of the Rings on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 5.00
All time rating average: 4.82
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Rating filters

5 star
89% (242)
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7% (20)
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1% (4)
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1% (2)
1 star
1% (4)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Dustin Perry
en me again, Thanks for the extension, just added it to second account.
Lucas Oliveira
pt Pra quem é fã como eu tá passando de bom !
Juan Soares Rosas
pt foi o que eu mais gostei
lovely luna
en best lotr theme i can find so far
Mayra Haydeé Novo
pt o melhor LOTR
Wordpress Mongolia
en Nice theme. Thanks
Gandalf The Grey
en Gondor calls more themes of LOTR! And Rohan will answer!
Grace Jackson
en I've been using this theme for easily 15 years (or however long it has been since we were able to add themes to chrome, it is too early in the day to do math) and will use it until the heat death of the universe. It is just very pleasing to the eye.
Jasur Jumaev
en Forever
gabriel sales
pt O melhor tema !
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