Teacher's Pet

Displays dynamic Classroom status, unique Student ID, and more! (for VIPKID Teachers only)

Teacher's Pet - Classroom Status and Student ID

Teacher's Pet is a Chrome extension designed for VIPKID Teachers. It displays and updates your Classroom status, shows the unique Student ID, and provides a more compact and clear presentation of the Classrooms tab. It also displays the PreVIP song buttons before class. Check out http://WantMy.info/Pet for more information. Please note that the extension is not affiliated with VIPKID management.
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Extension stats

Users: 264
Rating: 4.80
Version: 6.61 (Last updated: 2020-04-27)
Creation date: 2020-04-27
Risk impact: Low risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 2
Size: 142.34K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Teacher's Pet (for VIPKID Teachers only) displays and updates your Classroom status in your Classroom.

You can see the unique Student ID on the Classrooms overview page. This is underlined when they're "new to me".

The Classrooms tab expands to make full use of your browser's width, for improved clarity. Various abbreviations are made and the original screen is altered very slightly for a more compact presentation.

The PreVIP (Level One) song buttons are displayed before class, (when they're actually useful).

See http://WantMy.info/Pet for more information.

Note: I do not represent VIPKID management in ANY form or fashion! I'm just a teacher, like you, trying to make things better for all of us.

User reviews

love this extension but as of may 2019 i cant seem to access the student ID anymore i ahve to log in to the classroom and take it from URL. is there something i've loaded wrong?
by samantha nierras, 2019-05-07

This app has been super helpful. It tells me when a class has been marked no-show which saves me time. It used to display my class info including studentID but VIPKID changed the format so this feature no longer works. :(
by A Google user, 2019-03-07

EXTREMELY helpful! I hope they update it to support the new classroom format :)
by Danae Wilson, 2018-11-11
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Extension safety

Risk impact

Teacher's Pet requires very minimum permissions.

Risk likelihood

Teacher's Pet has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

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