Typing Test

How fast you can type? Create your own Typing Test from any text or Google Drive file to test your typing CPM, WPM speed.

Total ratings

3.02 (Rating count: 62)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Fun and engaging to use
  • Helpful for improving typing speed
  • Issues with accuracy if one letter is incorrect
  • Not supporting national keyboard layouts
  • Stopped working after a month
  • Interferes with document viewing
  • Lack of customizable options for timing and letters
Most mentioned
  • Fun and awesome to play on
  • Problems with accuracy and mistakes
  • Technical issues after a short period
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.70
All time rating average: 3.02
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
tran huu khanh
vi hay
Nagesh “Nk” Kamble
en helpful
Kul Hata
th กำลังหัดพิมพิ์ชอบมากๆ
Sanju Marwad
en helpfull
احمد رجب
sd رووووووووووووووووووعة
jose cruz
en I like typing speed test because it is fun & awesome to play on
Christopher Ritter
en I didn't like that if I was off my one letter, it kept saying I made mistakes.
Péter Nagy
en Not supported the national keyboard layout.
Elaine Lee
en This would be great if I could choose the letters known, the amount of time for the timing (1 min., 3 mins., 5 mins.) that would better simulate timings for class and I would love that for my students!
Julia Flores
en After a month it stopped working
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