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4.35 (Rating count: 17)
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Recent rating average: 4.33
All time rating average: 4.35

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Qazim Rama
en Education, deeply, universe, with EDUongo team Kosovar
Dr. D.
en I am an instructional technologist and have been waiting for a platform for 11 years now. Without programming skills its impossible to have what you want. This is the answer to my teaching online. Thank you for spending your time making it.
Rachel Gill, B.Sc, PSS
en I have tried several of the online learning platforms out there and EDUonGo is by far the best, if you get your cloud account data access feature for SkyDrive and GoogleDrive working for non-profit educators, I will add another star. Also, it would be great to be able to work more with .pdf files. Regardless, this is great platform for online teaching. I can add my YouTube videos, create live events with interactive audio and video, set custom notifications to students, track student progress, create and manage a course calendar, create forum discussions, create assignments for online completion, offline uploads create multiple choice quizzes, short answer quizzes, essay prompts and the html, iframe, flash, and other multimedia features integrated within the text editor is more robust than the one used in my college's online learning environment. Particularly, thank you for making your product available to non-profits at no cost with almost all the same features, very commendable and rare. I Highly recommend EDUonGO!
John Martin
en Adding logos and backgrounds is not BRANDING. It still has your domain and it just very minimal resources for free. you have to pay for more. You wnat 100% FREE and completely branded to your own domain and 100% yours to control.. just download and install Moodle (plus hundreds of more tools and resources). This is just more minimal garbage to try and take money from people who don't know any better.
vildane Aliu
en It's more than LMS. It's perfect. I LOVE IT.
Ridvan Bunjaku
en This learning platform takes the learning experience where it belongs in modern time, being online and highly collaborative.
Edmond Qerimi
en Great learning environment, love it!
Nick Scott
en The best learning platform out there bar none! Definitely the future of education!
Valbona Aliu
en My own academy with my own branding, simply amazing tools !