Trello Card Numbers

Adds card numbers to a variety of places when using Trello.

Total ratings

4.37 (Rating count: 90)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Useful for tracking card numbers
  • Simple and does exactly what is needed
  • Improves workflow
  • Suberp improvement noted by users
  • Excellent overall functionality for some users
  • Stopped working recently; issues likely from Trello changes
  • Bugs causing duplicate card numbers
  • Slows down Trello significantly with large card amounts
  • Hogs CPU and memory resources
  • Visible performance degradation in horizontal scrolling
Most mentioned
  • Stopped working
  • Slows down Trello
  • Hogs CPU and memory
  • Duplicate card numbers
  • Issues started around Oct 20, 2023
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.60
All time rating average: 4.37
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Rating filters

5 star
53% (33)
4 star
21% (13)
3 star
13% (8)
2 star
3% (2)
1 star
10% (6)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Adam Jones
en Simply doesn't work
en Not working. It used to be good. There will be a solution soon?
Erika Barreto
pt Era ótima, mas parou de funcionar. Alguém sabe se vão arrumar?
Kalpesh Sampat
en It was good till last few days but now stopped working. Not only this but other extension like this has stopped working and it seems Trello might have done something on there side or Google chrome has build restrictions to read card number data.
Andrew Fanner
en Currently not working, usually 5 star, but came to flag a review to help raise attention to the issue
Serhii Fondov
en It stopped working since Oct 20, 2023 Looks like trello changed something on their end and it affected trello cards extention work
Danilo Souza
pt Sempre funcionou muito bem, mas parou de funcionar há alguns dias
Anton Cherginets
ru Такое простое расширение, и то с багами. 1. Дублируются айдишники при создании\изменении карточек. 2. Отображаются айдишники на карточках разделителях (у которых название "---"). Что очень мешает восприятию
Felipe Pina
en It's very useful, but depending on amount of cards this plugin lets the trello very slow
Mehmet Özer
en Suberp improvement!
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