Auto Meeting Log for Google Meet

Automatically turns on Google Meet captions and saves them.

Total ratings

4.94 (Rating count: 17)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very useful for organizing meeting notes
  • Easy to use and gets the job done
  • Helps prevent missing important meeting conversations
  • Saves time and reduces the need to remember meeting details
  • Issues with functionality, such as saving logs
  • Lack of features for managing or exporting logs
Most mentioned
  • Utility for summarizing meeting discussions
  • Convenience and ease of use
  • Reliability in capturing chat discussions
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.90
All time rating average: 4.94
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Rating filters

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92% (12)
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8% (1)
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Jesus Rogel (J/Jay)
en I found this really useful, but it seems that it stopped working... The captions are indeed turned on, but the saving is not happening. I hope there is a fix soon! UPDATE: 19 Nov - Thanks a lot for this. Things are working again!
Chang Wang
en it's a very cool tool, very basic but really good enough. Just wondering how I can clear up or manage the logs?
Amir Pazhooh
en It's good enough but I need to export chats to google docs. do you have any solution?
Jenn Han
ko 미팅 후 내용 정리할 때 매우 유용합니다!
Wonseob Jang
ko 딱 필요했던 기능입니다. 매일 사용 중입니다.
Songa Kim
en great!!!!! i always use this every meeting :)
Ram (Boram) Kim
en You'll never miss a meeting conversation thanks to this extension.
(Nami) Namhee Kim
ko 너무 편리합니다. 인원이 많은 미팅의 경우에는 중간중간 놓치는 경우가 많은데 덕분에 놓치는거 없이 잘 활용하고 있습니다! 감사합니다
ko 다시 복기하기 너무 편해요
ko 너무너무 좋습니다! 아주 유용합니다!
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