Le Git Graph - Commits Graph for GitHub

A browser extension that displays the git graph for any GitHub repository.

Total ratings

4.59 (Rating count: 29)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very useful and functional extension.
  • Elegant integration with GitHub.
  • Helps visualize commits effectively.
  • Great for beginners to understand Git.
  • Performance issues causing the page to become unresponsive.
  • Authorization required for public repositories.
  • Presence of a job listing message that some users want to dismiss.
Most mentioned
  • Works well and is visually appealing.
  • Users appreciate the functionality it offers.
  • Some users have concerns about data privacy.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.90
All time rating average: 4.59
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74% (14)
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11% (2)
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11% (2)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Tzvi Edelman
en Cool extension. Is there some way to toggle it on and off? Sometimes, I want to see the list of commits. Thanks!
Neel Shah
en Just installed the extension. It was amazing and same as the one in bitbucket, Great work!!!!
Chris Schneider (antlerhands)
en Excellent extension and very well written. I like where you are headed with it. Thank you for your work, it works wonderfully.
Viktor Naychev
en Really cool extension, but is there a way to remove the job listing message? I understand why you added it and I respect it, but maybe a button to close it once you've read it would have been nice ^^
en Just installed it and loved it. I shifted from GitLab (which provide such repo tree by default) to GitHub, and its really helpful to see where my commits are going. Thanks. I wish GitHub add this as a feature as well :)
en That's interesting! How did you come up with this idea?
Suraj Kumar
en Really functional and really beautiful extension. Works like a charm.
Richard Eason
en Really useful and very elegant integration.
Gautam Solanki
en very useful
Meo Müller
en Works like expected.
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