Reviews of Dice Roller

List of user reviews and ratings for Dice Roller

Total ratings

3.94 (Rating count: 16)
See reviews for Dice Roller on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.50
All time rating average: 3.94

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Anna Thomas
en 4 die limit is a bit disappointing. Loud German roll explanation by default is jarring. At least it's straightforward to use.
Ouchi Moo
en Seems to work pretty well. I can't figure out why it reads the numbers to me in German though. Nor can I figure out how to change it.
Jim Perley
en It only speaks in German??? Is there a way to change that to English?
Justin McFall
en Limits rolls to 4 per roll and won't let you clear the list of recent rolls
Cassandra Bryant
en Not enough dice can be rolled at once
Randal McDowell (Randal2k)
en excellent dice roller!
Kevin Hait
en Really needs the ability to roll more than 4, but is otherwise useful and effective.
Christine Robin Doe (Osiris)
en Limits the number of dice in a single roll to 4, which is a pain, but otherwise does a decent job. Not feature rich enough.
Peter Wildani
en Can't roll more than 4 dice at a time. Pretty nice otherwise.
Josh Kussmann
en This is really nice! Thanks.