Agantty - free Gantt Chart

Simple & beautiful Gantt Charts. Free project management tool for unlimited projects, tasks and teams. Gantt Chart + ToDo for free.

Total ratings

3.98 (Rating count: 55)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Good visual layout and color coding
  • Intuitive and user-friendly interface
  • Free to use without limitations on project entry
  • Good functionality for tracking timelines and tasks
  • Inability to add task dependencies or set them up easily
  • PDF export functionality does not work reliably
  • Slow loading times and occasional server timeouts
  • Lack of support from developers for issues raised
  • Bugs and usability issues reported by multiple users
Most mentioned
  • PDF export functionality doesn't work as expected
  • Task dependency features are limited or missing
  • User interface is generally praised but can be confusing at times
See reviews for Agantty - free Gantt Chart on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 3.98
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11% (3)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Virgil Mihut
en At first glance it seams to have all the functions we have been looking for! Simple and easy to use ( after 15 minutes of trial and error )
Deborah Nicholson
en Agantty offers everything I need to run my one-person interior design company. I can track my timelines, my to-dos, and I can include my trades and clients in the process if I wish to. Bonus! I can see it all in my Google Calendar in real time. Colour coded! Perfect app for a visual person. Learning curve was about 20 minutes! Seriously awesome and there ARE dependencies! And you CAN export to PDFs (at least I can). Thank you Agantty! You've improved my project management tremendously!
Neils Schoenfelder
en Not easy to set dependencies. Also doesn't provide any way to add customized discrete data fields to tasks.
es Es una herramienta muy agradable de utilizar y con muchas posibilidades, pero las exportaciones, creación de pdf, etc. no funciona, lo que es desesperante. No hay contestación del desarrollador a los correos de petición de ayuda. Está sin terminar.
Mahan Mashoof
en No task dependencies
Fuhan Chang
zh 剛開始使用,UX做的非常好,目前沒發現任何問題,叫我付費我也願意,先給5顆星
Walter Ngo
en Very slow, easier to make mistake and lost data.
Pauline A
fr Superbe! Pratique, clair, ludique... l'outil dont j'avais besoin ! Merci !
Michelle Moore
en tried several "free" gantt charts and Agantty is so far, the only one that didn't shut me down after putting in a couple of projects. Task dependencies would be nice, but I don't really expect that functionality for free. I just want a visual Gantt chart with some dates and notes in it so I can see who's overloaded and who isn't. This fits the bill and didn't cost me anything but the time it tool to put the projects in.
sunny kim
en This app is nice and straightforward for managing timelines. But the biggest frustration is the inability to export to PDF like it says it can. When you hit the export to PDF it does absolutely nothing. I have written to Agantty and their only answer was; it should work just try again....
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