Multiselect for Trello

Manage and modify multiple cards at once

Total ratings

3.53 (Rating count: 152)

Review summary

  • Great idea and concept for multi-selecting in Trello
  • When it works, it adds functionality that Trello should have natively
  • Some users have found it extremely useful in the past
  • Does not work consistently anymore
  • UI issues, such as overlapping buttons and hidden checkboxes
  • Recent updates from Trello have caused compatibility issues
  • Users report frequent bugs and need to refresh the page for it to function
  • Developer seems to have stopped maintaining the extension
Most mentioned
  • Extension no longer works reliably
  • Users have experienced bugs and issues after Trello updates
  • Great functionality when it works but often fails to load
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 3.53
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Rating filters

5 star
36% (46)
4 star
11% (14)
3 star
17% (22)
2 star
16% (20)
1 star
20% (25)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Phillip Käser
en selection does not work anymore
tomografia controle
pt Cumpria com o que prometia, mas agora não esta funcionando mais.
Sebastian Dominguez
es Hola, hace una semana la extensión dejo de funcionar. La podran revisar?
Dylan Reeves
en Just does not work.
Ross Fruin
en Experiencing what many others have mentioned. Product is great when it works but in the past year or so, it basically never does.
alicia jareño cuadros
es No se puede eusar.No funciona´
Nick DeBarmore
en This used to be awesome. It no longer works so don't bother installing. I suspect that is why it is now FREE, because it doesn't work, so you get what you pay for, which is nothing!!!
Kelsey Tidwell
en The extension allows me to multi-select, but when I right click and choose a function, the expected result doesn't happen. If I have more than one card selected and then choose to move them, only the card my cursor is sitting on is moved, just like without the extension at all.
Kimberly Brokaw
en I've used this extension for a couple of years and LOVED it - 5 stars! Now, suddenly the check boxes don't appear to be set to the front layer or something. Either they're hidden by the Trello pencil/circle icon on-hover, or they have been removed. This extension is now useless - please fix! It's a MUST HAVE in my Trello arsenal!! Fix, and I'll bring it back to 5 stars for sure!
Rogério Pereira (rogerioiper)
pt Instalei e reinstalei e mesmo assim o Botão não executa comando algum. Não sei se é um problema isolado mas não consegui sequer testar a ferramenta.
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