What is Recurring Payment / Subscription Export for PayPal?
PayPal Recurring Payment, Subscription Export is a Chrome extension that allows you to easily export all your PayPal recurring payments and subscriptions as a CSV file. This extension is not supported or paid by PayPal, but it provides a convenient way to analyze and calculate your monthly income.
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► Easily Export Your PayPal Subscriptions as CSV! ◄
This Chrome extension allows you to download all your recurring PayPal payments, providing a comprehensive view of both active and canceled subscriptions. It's perfect for financial analysis or managing monthly income.
Working with PayPal and PayPal Sandbox.
Genau was ich brauche. Leider funktioniert es nicht auf www.sandbox.paypal.com da offenbar www.paypal.com für den REST-Request hardcoded hinterlegt ist
Edit: wenn man 'https://www.paypal.com/billing/api... an den 2 Stellen ersetzt durch 'https://'+location.host+'/billing/api... funktioniert es auch auf der sandbox und lässt sich auch direkt über die dev-tools ausführen, da die checksummen des Plugins dann nicht mehr stimmen
Worked for me, but had to do it differently since I had no subscribers in my overview.
But when I click on a subscriber to see their info in my merchant hub (https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_merchant-hub)
the same export button will appear and it exports EVERY user..not just this one.
great tool, just a little janky ;)
Recurring Payment / Subscription Export for PayPal requires very minimum permissions.
Risk likelihood
Recurring Payment / Subscription Export for PayPal is probably trust-worthy. Prefer other publishers if available. Exercise caution
when installing this extension.