Meet Transcript

Record Google Meet captions, chat messages, and screenshots to Google Docs.

Total ratings

3.88 (Rating count: 84)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Efficient real-time transcription without the need for a bot in the meeting
  • Automatically names Google Docs after meeting titles for easy retrieval
  • Offers a simple interface compared to other note-taking apps
  • Has been appreciated for its prior functionality and ease of use
  • Offers integrations that allow for immediate sharing of transcripts
  • Currently experiencing issues with OAuth and Google Drive access
  • Frequent errors (400: invalid_request) when trying to log in or connect with Google Drive
  • Transcriptions appear cluttered and lack speaker identification
  • Extension has reportedly not been maintained or updated recently
  • Many users express frustration due to the sudden loss of functionality
Most mentioned
  • Errors related to invalid requests when attempting to access Google Drive
  • Functionality has deteriorated or stopped working completely
  • Poor transcription output lacks formatting such as speaker names or timestamps
  • Developer seems unresponsive to reported issues and lacks updates
  • Users are seeking alternatives due to these ongoing issues
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 2.00
All time rating average: 3.88
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12% (14)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Roger Fedor
en When trying to grant access to google drive it gets blocked saying invalid request.
en 400: invalid_request
en There is an 400 invaild_request when I tried to connect google dirve
Ravi Kumar
en it doesnt work for me it says error when i sign with my email
Nelson Francisco Bocel Jerónimo
es Pense que solo era yo. una lastima que ya no este
Asmae El Bouanani
en it doesnt work for me it says error when i sign with my email
Surya Surya
en Getting Error -Error 400: invalid_request The out-of-band (OOB) flow has been blocked in order to keep users secure. Follow the Out-of-Band (OOB) flow migration guide linked in the developer docs below to migrate your app to an alternative method. Request details: redirect_uri=urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob Related developer documentation.
Andrea Milagros Lucero
es Era mi trANSCRIPTOR favorito como que ya no funciona?
Marcos Bueno
en It was nice when it worked
en sketchy.. no reviews. asks access to google drive
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