IPEVO Presenter

Presenter allows your IPEVO document camera to capture and present class work easily.

Total ratings

4.28 (Rating count: 47)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Easy to use
  • Many features included
  • Great for presentations
  • Integrates well with IPEVO document cameras
  • Makes teaching easier
  • Allows for remote control of document camera
  • May be too complicated for some users
  • Requires a specific type of document camera
Most mentioned
  • Presenter mode
  • Document camera integration
  • Easy to use
  • Remote control
  • Classroom tool
  • Presentation tool
  • Teaching aid
  • Great features
  • Intuitive
  • Enhances teaching experience
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.90
All time rating average: 4.28
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Outliner Itoh Takashi
ja ChromeOS Ver.65にて、撮影した画像を保存できなくなりました。 残念。
Marian Martin
en The app and Ziggy camera as so easy to use. Just plug in and go. I also love the images, they are every clear.
Kevin Rickard
en My teachers like how much crisper the image is compared to the old cameras they were using. The biggest drawback is that it is 10 times more capable on a Windows machine than a cromebook and we are switching to cromebooks. Need the video, split screen, and text to speech capability on chrome.
A Google user
en Really easy. I love that it doesn't insist on a mirror view, but that it presents what people would see close up.
ja PC接続の書画として、Ziggiを購入。ソフトウェアとして利用しているが、必要十分である。 カメラの解像度次第であるが、その他のカメラも認識して、汎用性が高い。 非常に満足
Haley Dukich
en It was a little confusing at first, but it was okay over time.
Ning Cao
en good!
Edward Giles
en Wish that your could record/capture video so that I could useful tool for flipping the classroom.
Melissa Belk
en It would really be helpful to be able to minimize the app and not have to exit the window every time you need to view another tab. I teach elementary and I am often moving from one tab to another. Is is very frustrating.
Shaw Zaidins
en I had to download this app in Chrome when my classroom's Air Conditioning stopped working for a couple of days. The only useable room available on campus was a large lecture hall with a locked laptop (i.e., no software additions allowed) connected to an overhead projector. I found the iPevo app on Chrome and was able to use my Ziggi instantly. This app really saved the day!!!
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