FlyOrDie Backgammon

Multiplayer online Backgammon game. Play against others over the Internet.

Total ratings

2.95 (Rating count: 233)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Good design and interface
  • Active player community
  • Increased time limit to prevent time-wasting
  • Frequent server issues and busy servers
  • Perception of rigged dice rolls
  • Inappropriate player behavior and disrespectful users
  • Complicated setup and requiring installations
Most mentioned
  • Server reliability problems
  • Allegations of cheating with dice rolls
  • Difficulties with user interface and setup
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 1.80
All time rating average: 2.95
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Rating filters

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65% (33)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
tr zarlar hileli
Albert Darabant
ro Bătaie de joc.
Elie Haddad
en very bad server dice stop in mid air .stone do not go to its destination ...etc
Joey peralsteen
en bullsh*t rolls, the server decides who wins, i played with good players and players that made the worst moves that i ever seen and the odds were against me!!! like it was rigged!!
R. Tad w2
en Server always busy, Bought and can't play because of all the free players using limited bandwidth of their server. They aren't even playing, just there with time-out clock
Alain Mérillon (Alan Meryl)
fr le hazard n'est jamais le lot de ce jeu, on peut deviner la sortie de dés suivante, c'est complètement bidon. design agréable quand meme.
Jorge Rafael Rivero Badaracco
es Muy bueno. El que quiera jugar conmigo que me busque. "joyerivero".
Brian Battensby
en A totally one sided game. I thought the idea of on line Backgammon is the randomness of the dice. Not the case in this game. The dice are definitely loaded in favour of the other "player". I was give the same number combination 6 times in a row, 4 - 1, to force me to leave a man uncovered and would you believe that the very next throw resulted in me losing that man! No way was that luck. CHEAT!
Hooman Mishani
en sum of the bitches
jose Amo Villar
es no he consegido ni lanzar los dados.
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