Solarized Dark Refresh Theme

Solarized Dark theme for the new Google Chrome design

Total ratings

4.85 (Rating count: 33)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Excellent contrast between background and text
  • Very clear and easy on the eyes
  • Looks great with other themes (e.g., Numix Solarized GTK theme)
  • Exceptionally well made and designed
  • Great for users with sensitive eyes
  • Contrast is too low, making it hard to distinguish active tabs
  • Background color on unfocus blinks when switching desktops
Most mentioned
  • Best Solarized dark theme available
  • Great compatibility with other themes
  • Clear and easy on the eyes
See reviews for Solarized Dark Refresh Theme on Chrome Web Store
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.85
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Даниил Устименко (MrRise)
en Great, but please make the background color on unfocus the same as focus, it blinks every time I switch virtual desktops.
Valentin Bailly
fr Parfait pour ceux comme moi qui ont les yeux sensibles. Très épuré!
Marc Becchetti (marcbecch)
en Contrast is too low and it's very difficult to distinguish which tab is active
en Good job Richard, the best solarized dark theme :)
en The best solarized theme on so far!
James Drabb JR
en This is the best solarized theme out there. This looks great with the Numix Solarized GTK theme in Linux.
Mehmet Seçkin
en Best Solarized Dark based theme around.
Mike Rogers
en So nice! Really good in OSX dark mode.
Brian Mendez
en Pretty color!
Stefan Wils
en excellent theme, very clear and easy on the eyes.
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