zerbitzua erabiliz URLak laburtzeko gehigarri ofiziala - Official URL Shortener Chrome Extension is a Chrome extension called '' that enables quick URL shortening and copying by simply clicking a button in the browser's address bar. It also provides a new button for writing tweets on and, shortening all the URLs in the tweet when clicked. The plugin allows linking with your account to view and manage the shortened links created using the extension.
Install from Chrome Web Store

Extension stats

Users: 573
Version: 0.3.10 (Last updated: 2017-06-30)
Creation date: 2017-06-30
Risk impact: High risk impact
Risk likelihood:
Manifest version: 2
  • clipboardWrite
  • tabs
  • contextMenus
  • storage
  • notifications
  • <all_urls>
Size: 49.76K

Other platforms

Not available on Android
Not available on Firefox
Not available on Edge
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Extension summary

Nabigatzailearen helbide-barraren ondoan agertzen den botoia sakatzean momentuko URLa laburtu eta arbelean kopiatzen du.

Edozein webgunetako esteka bat laburtu eta arbelera kopiatu nahi baduzu, egin klik saguaren eskuineko botoiarekin estekaren gainean eta hautatu laster-menuko "Laburtu esteka hau" aukera. eta webguneetan txioak idazteko kaxetan botoi berri bat gehitzen du. Botoi hori sakatzean txioko esteka guztiak laburtzen ditu.

Pluginak aukera ematen dizu zure kontuarekin lotura egiteko, plugina erabilita sortutako esteka laburtuak kontsultatu ahal izateko.

Gehigarri hau GPLv3 lizentzia duen software librea da. Iturburu-kodea eskura duzu:

PuntuEUS Fundazioarentzat iametza interaktiboak garatua.

Extension safety

Risk impact requires some sensitive permissions that could impact your browser and data security. Exercise caution before installing.

Risk impact analysis details
  • Critical Grants access to browser tabs, which can be used to track user browsing habits and history, presenting a privacy concern.
  • Critical ****** ****** ** *** ********* ****** * *********** ******** **** ** ** *** ******* *** ****** **** **** *** ******* *****
  • High ******* ******* **** *** ****** ***** *** ***** ** ******* **** ********* ********* ** * *********** *****
  • High ****** ******* *** ********* ********* ******** ***** *** ** ********** ****** * ******** ******* *****
  • Medium ******* ******* ************* ***** *** ** ******* *** **** ******* ****** ******** *******
  • Low ******* ****** ** *** ********* ********
Risk likelihood has earned a fairly good reputation and likely can be trusted.

Risk likelihood analysis details
  • High This extension has low user count. Unpopular extensions may not be stable or safe.
  • Low **** ********* *** ******* **** **** * ****** **** ***** ******** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
  • Low **** ********* *** ***** **** **** * ****** **** ***** ********** *** **** ****** ** ** ****** *** *****
Upgrade to see full risk analysis details

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