
Now there is a great way to become a black belt in arithmetic on your computer!

Total ratings

3.08 (Rating count: 12)
See reviews for MathNinja on Chrome Web Store

User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.40
All time rating average: 3.08

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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Clare Akin
en i want to be able to choose my level.i want to practice math that helps me learn.
A Google user
en If you're using it as a way to see what your basic math skills are then the app is great but if you are looking for something harder then it won't be the app for you.
Morten Philipps
en Bad graphical user interface, you can only solve one question - then you have to press "next".
Marie C
en it helps me come up with awsome mental math skills
selva krishnan
en Only small basic math operations. needs some questions based on expressions also.