Ice Cold Blue

Ice Cold Blue

Give your browser a light blue theme while you browse the web

Total ratings for Ice Cold Blue
4.50 (Rating count: 2)
See reviews for Ice Cold Blue on Chrome Web Store
Recent reviews for Ice Cold Blue
Recent rating average: 4.50
All time rating average: 4.50
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Was looking for an alternative theme to my old PewDiePie brofist after it went off the google chrome store (unsure why that happened...) and I have finally found a near perfect replacement, cute colours that look good on nearly any website theme! If you're someone who likes to browse on dark mode websites, and don't want a theme that looks obnoxious on larger screens (1440p, 4K, etc...) This is the perfect one for you. A few issues I have with it, is that the theme does seem a LITTLE bit bright, and I would have preferred a slightly more vivid colour pallet. But it's not a huge bother. My second issue with this theme is the URL search. The URL tab on a majority of websites appears to be white, but searching for something else then turns this URL tab black..? This is pretty bothersome, and I hope could get changed. Despite those issues... It does the job pretty well. Thank you.