Poke Database

This app is Pokedex corresponding to the ORAS. Damage calculation is also equipped with, and <strong>supports the Pokemon trainer.…

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4.00 (Rating count: 1)
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Recent rating average: 4.00
All time rating average: 4.00

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Devin Lawrence
en Oh... so close to what I was looking for... but not quite there yet. There are several translation and misnaming errors for multiple moves (EX; Tackle is mistakenly called Earth Power, and Double Edge is instead called Stealth Rock) and it doesn't have any detailed information for the moves or abilities (Such as the indepth effects, flavor text, etc, just the basic type, power, category and accuracy. It also has no pokedex entry data or anything for any of the pokemon. If these couple of translation issues weren't there, and it was a bit more indepth, I'd rate it a perfect 5/5, but as it is... I guess it's good enough. Not GREAT, but good enough for my basic purposes EDIT: Recently did some digging around and found out that English wasn't the first language of the development team... and, to be fair, it's a pretty good translation from Japanese, considering everything... sooo... bump it up a star. Still wish that detailed data for moves and abilities was available for English though