2016 Halloween Theme 02

This is the The Halloween Anime theme Optimized For Google Chrome To keep up with new themes or to request a theme please go to my…

Total ratings

4.05 (Rating count: 39)

Review summary

These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. Chrome Web Store does not verify user reviews, so some user reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
  • Very cute and sweet design
  • Functional with visible icons and text
  • Recent updates improved usability
  • Image does not fit the whole window
  • Theme pictures do not match the actual theme
  • Some users dislike the effect on the bookmarks bar
Most mentioned
  • Image size issues
  • Cute design
  • Updates improving visibility
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 3.60
All time rating average: 4.05
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Date Author Rating Lang Comment
Juliana Maria Gonçalves Capa Duarte
sm fofo
Rayner de Bruijn
en Stolen art. This art belongs to Apofiss. Also, the theme pictures do not match the actual theme. Image is too large, and the search bar is orange, not blue.
Shreyas Rahalkar
Sammy Clement
en It's adorable but it does not fit my whole window as shown in the preview. October 2021
Seppuku Senpai
en It's very very cute and functional! I can see all the icon and text and so forth
en Cute picture and theme but not a huge fan of what it did to the bookmarks bar.
pt otimo
en doesn't fit whole chrome window (2019)
Sprinkles 91
en i appreciate the most recent update bc now i can actually see the button to add a new tab, but i wish there where something at the top as i only see this over my tabs and bookmarks. i'd love the cat and pumpkin to be up there also maybe smaller and to the right just before the minimize button. otherwise this has been my favorite one so far. wish more people would put something up at the top for the people who use bing and their own search engines.
2018-09-22 A Google user It's so CUTE!!!
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