Reviews of Gmail Settings Extender

List of user reviews and ratings for Gmail Settings Extender

Total ratings

4.51 (Rating count: 43)

Review summary

  • Provides essential features for Gmail users
  • Responsive developer support
  • Great integration with existing Gmail functionalities
  • Overall positive feedback from users about the extension
  • Helps manage emails efficiently with features like auto BCC/CC
  • Scrolling functionality is broken in various modes
  • Auto BCC/CC feature does not always work as intended
  • Compatibility issues with Google updates
  • Drag and drop functionality not working sometimes
  • Certain features interfere with other Gmail functionalities (e.g., HubSpot tracking)
Most mentioned
  • Scrolling issues not working properly
  • Auto BCC/CC not functioning for some users
  • Gmail loading slow when extension is enabled
  • Overall appreciation for the extension when working correctly
  • Developer responsiveness and support
These summaries are automatically generated weekly using AI based on recent user reviews. User reviews may be inaccurate, spammy, or outdated.
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User reviews

Recent rating average: 4.20
All time rating average: 4.51
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3% (1)
Date Author Rating Lang Comment
David M. Brown
en Seems to have stopped working properly in Opera GX. The setting for automatically adding bcc email addresses doesn't function. I also can't scroll past the end of an email to click "SEND" and must shrink the gmail page to do it instead. The extension was a big help while it was working properly.
Ryan Juza
en 4.3 update: As others have mentioned, scroll is broken in long messages, both in-line and in pop-out mode That said, this is an essential Gmail extension. Google should have all of these features baked into the native application
Dr. Nizar Abdelfattah, MD
en Great job designing such a seamless & super helpful extension. Thank you so much!
Kaspar Broyd
en Hi Ahmed, For me seemingly the Auto BCC and CC does not work - Could this be due to using Gsuite Business gmail? Also - Is there a way to bypass the attachments function as desired? I often would like to drag images inline with text in the email and this feature forces it to not be included in the email. Thanks very much - great extension. K
Nik Gorell
en Works great apart from images not pasting when TinyMCE editor is enabled. Disable this feature and it works. Would be better if both could work simultaneously
Leonardo Cozendey Crespo
en It´s a GREAT App, Really great!!! Sometimes, I have an issue with trimmed messages as It cannot be scrolled with the mouse scroll button, only with the arrows keys, but other than tah. THE APP IS GREAT!!! Wonderful job.
Jon Zimmerman
en Just recently this extension has been making gmail on Google Workspace take forever to load, with it sometimes never even loading the full gmail page. I've loved this tool, but if I can't use gmail... yeah Hoping for a quick resolution!
en It doesn't scroll down automatically when writing a long email? This happens whether I am creating a new email or replying to an email - is there a way to put on autoscroll? As this isn't happening for me?
Heidi (WDI HK)
en no work
angie shin
en This is crazy, thanks for saving me!
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